Boys day out by the sea, splendour in the sun, catching fish, swapping tales, having so much fun! Cast a line into the bay then sit back and relax. Just waiting for those nibbles that will launch your great attack.
Early in the summer morn when starting out their day. Packed with all the trimmings and worms in vast array; Setting out for waters deep a place to cast their nets; Appreciation for the things in silence man forgets.
Stepping into crystal streams, rivers by the sea, Finding solace on the dunes, far from reality; When all at once the sinking sand suddenly disappears, And leaves them stranded on the dune with no way out of here!
The peaceful calm that once had been these four grown men, As panic erupted they soon wondered would they get home again? Frazzled by the circumstance which they have been found in, This boys day out was meant to be a time for relaxing!
Lines are in a tangled mess tempers are affray, Panic has set in the men who are in each other's way; Yelling, shouting, carrying on, whose idea had it been? To walk out to the sandy dunes in the middle of the sea!
While bickering with each other how quickly they forget all the responsibilities a parent has been set; When suddenly they become aware as they turn to see Their children walking back to shore in the water 2 foot deep!
© Christina -Poetry From The Heart-
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