Boys Day Out

Boys day out by the sea,  splendour in the sun,  catching fish, swapping tales, having so much fun!  Cast a line into the bay then sit back and relax. Just waiting for those nibbles that will launch your great attack.

Early in the summer morn when starting out their day.  Packed with all the trimmings and worms in vast array; Setting out for waters deep a place to cast their nets;  Appreciation for the things in silence man forgets.

Stepping into crystal streams,  rivers by the sea,  Finding solace on the dunes,   far from reality; When all at once the sinking sand suddenly disappears,  And leaves them stranded on the dune with no way out of here!

The peaceful calm that once had been these four grown men,  As panic erupted they soon wondered would they get home again? Frazzled by the circumstance which they have been found in,  This boys day out was meant to be a time for relaxing!

Lines are in a tangled mess tempers are affray,  Panic has set in the men who are in each other's way; Yelling, shouting, carrying on, whose idea had it been? To walk out to the sandy dunes in the middle of the sea!

While bickering with each other how quickly they forget all the responsibilities a parent has been set; When suddenly they become aware as they turn to see Their children walking back to shore in the water 2 foot deep!

© Christina -Poetry From The Heart-

Thanks For Visiting August 2019 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

Boys day out by the sea,  splendour in the sun,  catching fish, swapping tales, having so much fun!  Cast a line into the bay then si...

First Grade

Jake and his friend,
His best buddy of course
Were off to school
For better or worse

Both were excited
As two boys can be
'Til the first bell rang
Now let's wait and see...

They were very good,
For a minute or so:
But Jake decided
It was time to go!

Go where? Asked his friend
a bit disturbed,
Back out to the swings...
Or haven't you heard?

There's just you and me now
And we can choose
which of these swings
Are we gonna use?

It was a short lived trip
The boys were a takin'
The school teacher grabbed them
Gave them a shakin'

Now see here fellas
You've a lot to learn,
You can't leave the room
"Til I say it's your turn!

Now back in your seats
And get something to do
Color a picture
or maybe a few...

Suddenly, the bell rang
time to go play,
This cheered them up
It made their day.

For they found a frog
Sittin' in the grass
Brought it back in the room
Scared the whole class!

The teacher was mad now
The frog loose in the room,
She tried then to kill it
with the handle of a broom!

But she missed
And it jumped right on her
The class was a laughin'
made quite a stir

It took a quick leap
and was out of sight
Right into her dress,
She turned to the class
and yelled

Betty Hill© 2006

Thanks For Visiting August 2019 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

Jake and his friend, His best buddy of course Were off to school For better or worse Both wer...


For those of us who drive the bus,it's really nothing new. For others though who do not know, I'll say a thing or two. We do this 'cause it fills a need, we'll say that from the start. The point you see is just that we are masochists at heart.

We get the flu, the sniffles too and all the childhood woe. But we're the guys who still must rise,and off to work we go. For some would fuss if that old bus weren't standing at the gate. While Jim and Fred get out of bed, they yell: "Hey driver, wait!"

I'm sure you know that years ago, back in the olden days. We walked to school and as a rule 'twas all uphill both ways. We love our jobs, the Janes and Bobs who ride with us each day. But we've become a little numb from things along the way.

Like parents who without a clue, want Jimmy off the bus. "Against the law! But I'm, his Paw!" They rant and fume and cuss. Then there's the car who thinks you are the reason why he's late. He strips his gears and then just clears the kids there by the gate. And here's a quote that gets my goat, as if it's what you did: "And where were you when my sweet Sue got hit by that mean kid?" Now I was here, that should be clear, not really doing much. Try keeping lids on sixty kids, and not miss stops and such. Our day is crowned when with the sound of barfing in the seat; We stop the bus, its up to us to keep it clean and neat. And there's the joys of yells and noise, it really is absurd. For then Inez comes up and says: "Jack used the bad F-word!"

Now some might see how this could be a burden now and then. But not for us who drive the bus, we'll do it all again!

Roger Kimmel

Thanks For Visiting August 2019 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

For those of us who drive the bus,it's really nothing new. For others though who do not know, I'll say a thing or two. We do this...

Man's (Babies) Best Friend X3

 Everyone knows that the dog is a friend of man...but how will other humans interact?

Cute Babies Playing With Dogs Compilation

A dog is a true friend of a person who does not laugh and does not betray, understands his mood and tries to improve, despite the fact that he has four legs and a tail and is unable to speak. And understanding without words is even more valuable.
Thanks For Visiting August 2019 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

  Everyone knows that the dog is a friend of man...but how will other humans interact? Cute Babies Playing With Dogs Compilation ...

Work It Baby!

Work it, baby, strut your stuff on all those machines
Break a sweat by lifting weights
too easy, so it seems ~
Hold your tummy while you breathe
moving to the beat
Bend and stretch this way and that
till the routine is complete.

Climb aboard the stairmaster
working off those hips
Where all those extra calories
that somehow passed your lips ~
Resting where it's comfortable
indulging in the bliss
Of sweets and cakes and ice cream
and that chocolate hershey kiss!

But today your body pays for it
as you walk the extra miles
A mind elsewhere at breaking speed
your eyes they watch the dial ~
Another stretch of the legs
ooh, what was that crack?
Never mind for I've had worse
flat out on my back!

A refreshing swig of water
hydrating the poor soul
That's being punished on these things
as common sense unfolds ~
Time to wrap up another day
of all this exercise
A body won't know what to do
for it's too big a surprise!

Glory now, is that the time
you better lose those tights
For leotards at your age
my gosh, what a sight!
It's not all that becoming
when you're on your way to work
And people see you in the street,
"my goodness, is that her?"

A bite to eat, a lasting look
at the chocolate bar
Beckoning you, but you ignore
as you get into the car ~
But what a pity your daughter
has in great supply
Chocolates, sweet and yummy things
that just sink back to your thighs.

Hmmmm, you know you shouldn't do it
but boy it tastes so nice,
The orange flavour is so sweet
and we all need to have a vice!
Trying not to think of all
that work that's been undone
By relishing all those yummy things
when you intended having one!

Tomorrow you'll be back again
working off those sweets
In the gym for another dose
of sweaty stinking feet ~
For you were a naughty girl
when you should be at your best,
But chocolate is so very good,
than exercise or sex!

© Christina 1st April, 2004
Thanks For Visiting August 2019 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

Work it, baby, strut your stuff on all those machines Break a sweat by lifting weights too easy, so it seems ~ Hold your tummy wh...
