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The Rock, Pebbles and the Sand (Story)

A professor in philosophy stood before his students with materials on the table in front of him. He picked up a very large and empty j...

The Months Poem

January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow. February brings the rain, Thaws the frozen lake again March brings breezes loud...

50+ Amazing Dr. Seuss Books + Formats

A comparable list of the Dr. Seuss books, some of which are familiar titles and some of which are books he wrote for adults.  (Personnal ...

Mother Goose - Pumpkin In A Shell

This browser does not support Iframe If slideshow does not load View My Slideful , or with individual images on My Slideful ...

What's Your Santa Zodiac Personality?

Zodiac Signs and Christmas What's Your Holiday Personality?   1) Capricorn (Dec.22- Jan. 19) + - Capric...

Æsop Fable Mega-List

Each fable ends with a moral to the story . This interactive book is presented by the Library of Congress , adapted from the book “The...
