Be Aware - Breast Cancer

For years and years they told me,
Be careful of your breasts.
Don't ever squeeze or bruise them.
And give them monthly tests.

So I heeded all their warnings,
And protected them by law.
Guarded them very carefully,
And I always wore my bra.

After 30 years of astute care,
My doctor found a lump.
She ordered up a mammogram,
To look inside that bump.

"Stand up very close" she said.
As she got my boob in line,
"And tell me when it hurts" she said.
"Ah yes! There, that's fine.

She stepped upon a pedal.
I could not believe my eyes!
A plastic plate pressed down and down,
My boob was in a vise!

My skin was stretched and stretched,
From way up under my chin.
My poor boob was being squashed,
To Swedish pancake thin.

Excruciating pain I felt.
Within it's vice-like grip.
A prisoner in this viscous thing,
My poor defenseless tit!

"Take a deep breath" she said to me,
Who does she think she's kidding?
My chest is mashed in her machine,
And woozy I am getting.

"There, that was good," I heard her say
As the room was slowly swaying.
"Now, let's have a go at the other one."
Lord have mercy I was praying.

It squeezed me from up and down.
It squeezed me from both sides.
I'll bet she's never had this done,
Not to her tender little hide!

If I had no problem when I came in,
I surely have one now.
If there had been a cyst in there,
It would have popped, "ker-pow!"

This machine was created by a man,
Of this, I have no doubt.
I'd like to stick his balls in there,
And see how they come out !!!
Sayings Point - 80 Inspirational Breast Cancer Sayings and Best Quotes

Slogans Hub - 250 Catchy Breast Cancer Awareness Slogans & Phrases

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For years and years they told me, Be careful of your breasts. Don't ever squeeze or bruise them. And give them monthly tests. So...

Rock And Roll *Is* Here To Stay! Rock On!

Wow man, the 50's! They really were 'neat.'
Bobby socks, saddle shoes, poodle skirts, oh so sweet.
Penny loafers and 'Sock Hops,' the Jitterbug...our beat.

Varsity sweaters with 'letters' you'd earn,
and that '55 Chevy...the rubber she'd 'burn.'

'Cool' leather jackets and pants that were pegged,
heavy greased 'ducktails.' Our parents felt plagued!

A brightly lit 'jukebox'...maybe "Heartbreak Hotel,"
the 'King,' Elvis Presley...Gee he was 'swell.'

The Platters, the Chordettes; how they could sing,
and we'd 'hit the dance floor.' Boy, could we 'swing'!

Yes, the fun of the 50's when cares were so few,
'Soda-Fountains' and girls with a 'Pageboy' hair-do.

Now when the 50's are mentioned, I smile,
'cause it's my age they're referring to all of the while!

Copyright ©
by: Samantha

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Wow man, the 50's! They really were 'neat.' Bobby socks, saddle shoes, poodle skirts, oh so sweet. Penny loafers and 'S...

Your Name

You got it from your Father
It was all he had to give,
So it's yours to use and cherish
For as long as you may live.

If you lose the watch he gave you
It can always be replaced;
But a black mark on your name
Can never be erased.

It was clean the day you took it,
And a worthy name to bear.
When he got it from his Father
There was no dishonor there.

So make sure you guard it wisely,
After all is said and done,
You'll be glad the name is spotless,
When you give it to your son.

Author Unknown 
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You got it from your Father It was all he had to give, So it's yours to use and cherish For as long as you may live. If you lose the ...

Rules To Teach Your Son


1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down.

2. Don’t enter a pool by the stairs.

3. The man at the BBQ Grill is the closest thing to a king.

4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.

5. Request the late check-out.

6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.

7. Hold your heroes to a higher standard.

8. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.

9. Play with passion or don’t play at all…

10. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.

11. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.

12. If you need music on the beach, you’re missing the point.

13. Carry two handkerchiefs. The one in your back pocket is for you. The one in your breast pocket is for her.

14. You marry the girl, you marry her family.

15. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.

16. Experience the serenity of traveling alone.

17. Never be afraid to ask out the best looking girl in the room.

18. Never turn down a breath mint.

19. A sport coat is worth 1000 words.

20. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.

21. Thank a veteran. Then make it up to him.

22. Eat lunch with the new kid.

23. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it.

24. Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win.

25. Manners maketh the man.

26. Give credit. Take the blame.

27. Stand up to Bullies. Protect those bullied.

28. Write down your dreams.

29. Take time to snuggle your pets, they love you so much and are always happy to see you. 

30. Be confident and humble at the same time.

31. If ever in doubt, remember whose son you are and REFUSE to just be ordinary! 

32. In all things, give glory to God.

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RULES TO TEACH YOUR SON 1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down. 2. Don’t enter a pool by the stairs. 3. The man at the BBQ Grill is the...

Grams Recycle Farm

Now listen to my story
I want y'all to know
My Gram invented recycling
A long, long time ago

She had some recycle bins
At one end of the barn
With stuff to make most anything
She needed on the farm

Sticks and handles in the corner
And boxes of rags galore
For making all her dish towels
And rag mops for the floor

Now Grandpa drank the coffee
And Gram saved all the cans
She painted them so pretty
And planted flowers in them

Old tires she would cycle too
One hanging in every tree
From a rope of chain she saved
We swung on them with glee

Inner tubes,  remember them?
They kept us all afloat
At the old swimming hole
When we didn't have a boat

Feed sack dresses she would make
Then the scraps she'd cycle more
Making quilts for the bed
Or braid rugs for the floor

She bleached out all the flour sacks
Embroidered and then she'd hem
And stuff them up with feathers
Made pillows out of them

Denim coats and jacket
She invented them, stone washed y'all
She saved every inch of fabric
From Grampa's well worn overalls

She never parted with a shoe
Though the bottoms were full of holes
She used the upper part from them
To make some good half soles

Ashes she would save them too
And then she'd sift them
To get that real fine bit of dust
For polishing all her tins

She'd say, 'never toss out a button
Nor a buckle or a pin
As soon as you do, pity you
You'll be needing one of them'

Yards and yards of ribbon
From grave sites where she'd been
Washed and dried and pressed
She'd use them all again

Sacks and sacks of feathers
Hanging in the loft above my head
She washed and hung them up to dry
Then made some feather beds

You'd better eat what's on the plate
Now let me give you the scoop
She saved leftovers, recycled them
In tomorrow's pot of soup

Don't throw away sour milk, she'd say
That's what it's supposed to do
I'll put it in the churn you know
And make some butter for you

Bits and pieces of cornbread
Don't ever throw away
The croutons or stuffing she made
Comes from bread baked yesterday

She took the grease and fat
She saved from rendered hogs
And mixed and cooked and stirred all day
With ashes from a burned up log

Now I've got you guessing
Trying to figure this one folks
That's the recipe, dear friends
For Gram's home made laundry soap!

I 'm sure you must know by now
Where the recycling thing came from
Like I said, it was Gram's idea
Cycling stuff down on the farm

© 2007 Yolanda Cohen
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Now listen to my story I want y'all to know My Gram invented recycling A long, long time ago ...

Gramma's Shoes - Humor

When I was very little,
All the Grandmas that I knew,
Were wearing the same kind,
Of ugly grandma shoes.

You know the kind I mean..
Clunky heeled, black, lace-up kind,
They just looked so very awful
That it weighed upon my mind,

For I knew, when I grew old,
I'd have to wear those shoes,
I'd think of that, from time to time
It seemed like such bad news.

I never was a rebel,
I wore saddle shoes to school,
And next came ballerinas,
Then the sandals--pretty cool.

And then came spikes with pointed toes
Then platforms, very tall,
As each new fashion came along
I wore them, one and all.

But always, in the distance,
Looming in my future, there,
Was that awful pair of ugly shoes,
The kind that Grandmas wear,

I eventually got married
And then I became a Mom
Our kids grew up and left,
And when their children came along,

I knew I was a Grandma
And the time was drawing near
When those clunky, black, old lace up shoes
Was what I'd have to wear.

How would I do my gardening?
Or take my morning hike?
I couldn't even think about
How I would ride my bike!

But fashions kept evolving,
And one day I realized
That the shape of things to come
Was changing, right before my eyes.

And now, when I go shopping
What I see - fills me with glee
For, in my jeans and Reeboks
I'm as comfy as can be.

And I look at all these little girls
And there, upon their feet
Are clunky, black, old Grandma shoes,
And I really think that's neat.

© Betty Cessna

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When I was very little, All the Grandmas that I knew, Were wearing the same kind, Of ugly grandma shoes. You know the kind I mean.. C...

I'd like to teach the world to sing

All races, all languages, all decades ... this 1971 Coca-Cola commercial needs to be played in today's world!
 I'd like to build a world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
I'd like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land
That's a song I hear
Sing it along
Let the world sing today
Over and over
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
La, la, la, la
To, do, do, do, do, do
La, la, la
I'd like to build a world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
(That's a song I hear)
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
And I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it… More

Source: Musixmatch
Coca Cola 1971 "I'd Like to Teach The World To Sing"

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All races, all languages, all decades ... this 1971 Coca-Cola commercial needs to be played in today's world!  I'd like to ...

The Flash

An annoying flashing I continue to see,
I can't help but wonder, "What's wrong with me?"
I'm positive others have seen it too,
Yet, they say nothing and *nothing* they do!

When trying to stop it, my brain seems to lock!
Some say I might need.. a "Special Doc"!
The flashing continues both night and day!
Can't someone please make it "all go away"?

My neighbors have surely heard my loud shout,
The frustration is endless, and myself... I now doubt!
I've read every book to help find an answer
But the flashing continues.. Like a hypnotic entrancer!

A call to my friend and then to my son!
"This flashing won't stop and now I am done"!
He begged, "Mom , please, don't do anything dumb.
I love you and somehow the answer will come"!

I hung up the phone, knowing what I must do.
No books, no 'Docs'...Now, I was thru.
The hour had always been Twelve for me
But that's going to change... very quickly!

Now it was time to "Pull The Plug"!
So I began with a long, hard tug!
Hooray... the flashing has stopped for me.
The VCR's dead and I am Flash Free !

© Samantha

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An annoying flashing I continue to see, I can't help but wonder, "What's wrong with me?" I'm positive others hav...

I Hate Dentists

I hate dentists.

All my life I had spent thousands of dollars on my teeth. I finally decided on dentures, so when one hurt I just made them pull it out. When I run out of teeth...dentures.

I went into the dentist with a bad toothache. He said it was abscessed. Gave me a script said come back in a week. I did. It still hurt a little. I told him to pull it. He gave me 3 shots of Novocain and left. Half my lips and cheek went numb. He came back and put his pliers on the tooth and I moaned quite loud. So he gave me 3 more shots and left. Now, not only my lips were numb, but I couldn't tell if my eye was blinking or not and though it wasn't, it felt like one side of my nose was running all the time.

He came back in and asked how I was doing. "Bline," I said. (That's numb mouth talk for "fine.") He grabbed the tooth again and, when he pulled, my whole body followed. It still wasn't numb enough. He shook his head and gave me 3 more shots, I think. And left. Now for those of you not paying attention, that's nine shots of Novocain.

Before he got back, I realized I could no longer feel my nose, but it felt like both nostrils were running, and my ear had disappeared. I reached for it. My fingers told me it was still there, but my head said it had fallen off on the floor. When I swallowed, I could not tell if anything happened.

He came back in and tapped on the tooth and asked if I felt that. "A bibble," I said. He picked up his pliers and started back in, but I stopped him. I said, "Blip blibe blome blob. Bull bib!!" (That's numb mouth for, "This time don't stop. Pull it!!") He must have been well versed in numb mouth talk because when he caught hold of it this time he did not let go. And neither did my jaw. He pulled and twisted and pulled and twisted. I twisted too. The whole side of my head was numb, except under that tooth. It was live meat under there. And I was trying to rip the arms off his chair. I wanted to scream, "Blop!!!" (That's numb talk for "STOP!!") But my brain went into DEFCON 4, and just plain shut down.

I went from---aaaaaw, to eeeee in a short time. Then I jumped about two octaves higher with the eeeees. I would have made an opera star envious. Garage doors started opening and closing a half block away. My eeeeeees got so high, humans could no longer hear them, but dogs started howling 2 blocks away. I started yelling, "Uu I aws! Uu I aws!" (That is open mouth for "Turn it loose!! Turn it loose!!") I guess he wasn't versed in open mouth talk because he didn't turn it loose. He pulled harder.

Now, at this point, I may have to educate some of you. Novocain does not work when a tooth is abscessed. All around the roots of that tooth it was not numb and wouldn't ever get numb.

Pop!!!, I heard. He finally got it out. I just stared at him through my tears. I could not believe what just happened to me. I had been totally violated. He asked if I was alright and I replied, "I blinb blo." He put cotton on the hole and sent me on my way. Late that night, I could finally feel my ear, and one nostril quit running. The next morning both nostrils quit running and I could now tell if my eye was blinking. I said, "Bub borbin, Baby" to Miss Sandra and she said, "What??" By noon, all was back to normal except my lower lip on one side. I could talk pretty plain by then. I told Sandra, "Bat benbist reably hurb be baby." She said, "What??" (Translated: "That dentist really hurt me, Baby.") It was nightfall before I could plainly tell her what happened.

I hate dentists.

Jerry Soyka
© December 16, 2016
Used With Permission
All Rights Reserved By Author
Source: HeraldANewDay

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I hate dentists. All my life I had spent thousands of dollars on my teeth. I finally decided on dentures, so when one hurt I just made ...

As Good As My Dog

If you can start the day without caffeine...

If you can get going without pep pills...

If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains...

If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles...

If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it...

If you understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time...

If you can overlook it when those you love take it out on you...
If you can take criticism and blame with out resentment...

If you can ignore a friend's limited education and never correct him...

If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend...

If you can face the world without lies and deceit...

If you conquer tension without medical help...

If you can relax without liquor...

If you can sleep without the aid of drugs...

If you can honestly say that deep in your heart, you have no prejudice against creed, colour, religion or politics...

You are almost as good as my dog!!

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If you can start the day without caffeine... If you can get going without pep pills... If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches a...

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow * Inspirational Thought

Yesterday I met a stranger. Today this stranger is my friend.
Had I not taken the time to say hello, or return a smile,
or shake a hand, or listen, I would not have known this person.
Yesterday would have turned into today and our chance
meeting would be gone.
Yesterday I hugged someone very dear to me.

Today they are gone...and tomorrow will not bring them back.
Wouldn't it be nice if we all knew tomorrow would be here?
But this is not to be, so take the time TODAY to give a hug,
a smile, an "I love you."

Smile at a stranger
Listen to someone's heart
Drop a coin where a child can find it
Learn something new, then teach it to someone.
Tell someone you're thinking of them.
Hug a loved one.
Don't hold a grudge.
Don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry".
Look a child in the eye and tell them how great they are.
Look beyond the face of a person into their heart.
Make a promise, and keep it.
Call someone, for no other reason than to just say "Hi!"
Show kindness to an animal.
Stand up for what you believe in.
Smell the rain.
Feel the breeze.
Listen to the wind.
Use all your senses to their fullest.
Cherish all your TODAYS.

~ unknown author ~

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Yesterday I met a stranger. Today this stranger is my friend. Had I not taken the time to say hello, or return a smile, or shake a hand, o...

Tips to Loving Yourself

The angel sitting in the center of the room begins to tell:  loving each other is as easy as flying, but it takes a steadfast heart and above all the right alphabet to write your story ... in every sunset the rising is written of your sun ... fall asleep and wake up always crying out loud I love myself and follow this alphabet !!! :-)

Self-Love from A-Z

ACT NOW: Do something immediately: a phone call to a friend you haven't heard for a long time, buy yourself a new dress, a perfume, organize a romantic dinner that you've put off too many times. Yesterday has already passed, tomorrow may be too late, but today is today!

BEGINNING: Everything had a beginning: and at the beginning of time it is said that the word formed the body. So learn to say positive words to yourself every day, because every second you leave! Every moment, in every cell, your words happen and change you

CHANGE: Your new life begins, when you learn to accept and love yourself! Shout out loud: "I love ME!"

DEFEAT: A defeat today will make you a winner tomorrow! Try to understand its roots in order to improve yourself instead of breaking down! Analyze a situation of yours in which you came out with broken bones: did it even teach you something?

EVOLUTION: Most people are unhappy because they are asleep! It does nothing to change! Sign up at the gym, or for a course you've always been passionate about, even if it doesn't seem to fit your "social image". You are not alone what you want to recognize yourself

EVERYTHING COMES BACK: What you do, every action, every breath, activates a response that you will not necessarily receive now or in this life: it is called Karma (wheel). Everything turns and a flutter of wings today, it could be a tornado tomorrow.

FORGET: In moments of crisis, do you tend to remember sad scenes and abandonments? Follow the advice that Jesus gave to the afflicted apostles: "Return to Galilee". Bring your attention to the happy scenes. Today, keep a white pebble for each smile you receive and a black one for each sad moment. You will see that at the end of the day the cheerful and happy moments will be much more numerous!

FORGIVENESS: Getting stuck in the quicksand of anger and resentment causes loss of soul and physical symptoms proper. Did you see that wrinkle on your face? Have you noticed how much you've gained weight lately? Hate weighs on the scale of your life. Learn that going towards others with love means first having gone towards yourself loving yourself! "Love your neighbor as yourself…". Does it remind you of anything?

FREEDOM: Choose to be free to cut or submit to obligations and conditionings. Use this power to exist and stop resisting! Maybe you said yes when you meant no. Perhaps you have taken the wrong path too many times. Well, it may sound absurd, but if you think about it, it all made you strong and free to be better!

JOY: The way of joy is the way that those who truly love themselves walk! Learn to enjoy the little things, a thought, a music. Today, try to smile in the workplace even at those who feel against you.

MIRACLES: Since when we start believing in miracles, miracles happen, you start wishing that something would be accomplished for your material and spiritual success. Write it on a piece of paper and bring it to your heart. Make it green (it won't hurt anyone) and be what you really want. You will see, heaven will listen to you.

NO: Learn to say no more, to be less available: many times we fear losing the people we love next to us, if we don't always answer yes. But this is not love, it is addiction! To love oneself means not to depend on anything or anyone.

OBJECTIVE: Set a goal that you want to achieve without bringing the problem of the time it will take. But don't think about winning the 100-meter race at the age of 70! Sometimes we deliberately set ourselves unattainable goals, in order to fail and then tell ourselves "I'm not capable". Make sure your goal is always reachable.

RESPECT: Those who love themselves respect themselves and consequently others. Take care of your body, weigh yourself every morning, and try to keep fit. Eat healthy foods, because everything you eat becomes part of you. Read interesting books, because your mind also needs to feed. Never tell yourself that you are not beautiful or that you are fat, rather act!

STOP COMPLAINING: The life you have is the result of your choices! Even when we silently accept that things happen, we are playing the game of life. If you want a promotion and you haven't applied for it yet, maybe you don't feel like you deserve it! Stay up to date, be prepared and above all, actively participate in your existence!

TRUST: You must always have confidence in yourself, even when it seems your ship is sinking, even when it has already sunk. All the treasures are hidden already, in the depths of your sea, called heart.

UNIQUE: You are Unique and unrepeatable, like everything on this earth! Never forget it! Make friends with your present moment, with what you are now. Become aware of the experience you are living in this precise moment and cry out: I AM THERE!

VICTORY: How can I think of winning a battle that I start with the spirit of defeat? Loving you is the cause of any possible success.

WHEN: When you decide that your Now has come, your time to perform miracles, heaven writes signs for you! Learn to recognize them and follow them without doubts. Examples? The page of a book opened at random, an unexpected meeting, reading an advertising sign, etc. All coincidences have your first and last name. So what are you waiting for?

YOU HAVE: Use what you have! The gift of life is unique and unrepeatable: repeat within yourself. Being alive means three things: being yourself, being now, and being here.

ZERO: Whenever you are confused or lost in the woods of existence, don't be afraid to start from scratch. What you have sown in previous experiences is already written in you and supports you in every new beginning!
PositivelyPresent -the ABC's of loving yourself
TheCozyCompass - Loving Yourself from A to Z
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The angel sitting in the center of the room begins to tell:  loving each other is as easy as flying, but it takes a steadfast heart and a...

Nora -n-Jakes Country Cooking

Just got back from Nora's
We really had some fixings
All those bones were in the pot
And food was finger licking
Well I am here to tell ya
The food was outta site
Bones were done just perfect
Much to Jake's delight
Arthur said hey honey
Let's get that recipe
I looked at him in silence
I cleared my throat daintily
What's your secret Nora
This was a special meal
"I don't know how to tell ya
That meat sure wasn't veal"
I looked at her with promise
I wonder what she'd say
Replied "I can't remember"
It's the road kill of the day
We all sat there in silence
Art sure looked disgusted
Country life is not for me
Pass the pou pon mustard

But Jake came to the rescue
With cake that was delicious
Best darn barker on the earth
His delivery expeditious

Cream piled high and on the top
A picture of his Missus
Looking great beyond her years
Surely bootylicious.

©Copyright May 11, 2004  

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Just got back from Nora's We really had some fixings All those bones were in the pot And food was finger licking    Well I am here to...

I'd Do Anything Fer Yah

Comb your hair 'n tie your shoes
Now milk that cow ya hear
Don't ask me no more questions
There's lots of tension here

I see we're going public
I really am upset
Trying all new fancy creams
But face it we're a mess

I ordered me a corn pipe
With sequins and some stones
UPS can't deliver
We never are at home

Always in the field we are
Shucking corn for still
Bubbling up that alcohol
Life is sure a thrill

But things they sure look better
When I'm sippin fire water
You look like Gary Cooper
It makes me wanna holler

Come and get me baby
Give me a big kiss
Then I see those missing teeth

And close my eyes for this

You think you are a rooster

But you lost your feathers dear

And I'm so darn fed up now

I need some space "Ya Hear"

Going to the barn now

I'm gonna get some hay

Forgot to make the bed today

And wives don't get no pay!

Guess I'll see you later

I hate to say goodbye

It's been nice to see ya

I gotta catch some flies.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
©Copyright October 30, 2003


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Comb your hair 'n tie your shoes ...

For The New Year - A Woman Should

People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel! 
 Maya Angelow wrote a poem with many truths, which can be taken as a list of good advice for every day and for every woman. The small, ordinary, everyday things and why we need them: 
- A woman should have enough money to rent a house for herself, even if she never has to live alone.

- A woman should have at least one perfect garment to wear if her boss or the man of her dreams wants to see her in an hour.

- A woman should have a youth to remember with pleasure.

- A woman should have a past that is spicy enough to be worth telling.

- A woman should have a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill and a black lace bra.

- A woman should have a girlfriend who always makes her laugh and one who allows her to cry.

- A woman should have at least one nice piece of furniture that she bought brand new and did not inherit from anyone.

- A woman should have a set of eight plates, crystal wine glasses and a recipe for a great dish that will make her guests feel special.

- A woman should have a sense of control over her own destiny.

- A woman should know how to fall in love without losing herself.

- A woman should know how to quit a job, confront a friend, or end a relationship without destroying the friendship that existed before.

- A woman should know when to try hard and when to just give up.

- A woman should know that she cannot change the length of her thighs, the width of her hips or the characters of her parents.

- A woman should know that her childhood may not have been perfect, but it is over.

vA woman should know what she would not want to do and what she would do for the sake of love.

vA woman should know how to live alone, even if she doesn't like it ...

- A woman should know who she can trust and who she ca n't; and why he should not take anything too seriously.

- A woman should know where to look for support when her soul is hurt ...

- A woman should know what she can and could not do for one day, for a month ... or for a year ...

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People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel!    Maya Angelow wrot...
