Tips to Loving Yourself

The angel sitting in the center of the room begins to tell:  loving each other is as easy as flying, but it takes a steadfast heart and above all the right alphabet to write your story ... in every sunset the rising is written of your sun ... fall asleep and wake up always crying out loud I love myself and follow this alphabet !!! :-)

Self-Love from A-Z

ACT NOW: Do something immediately: a phone call to a friend you haven't heard for a long time, buy yourself a new dress, a perfume, organize a romantic dinner that you've put off too many times. Yesterday has already passed, tomorrow may be too late, but today is today!

BEGINNING: Everything had a beginning: and at the beginning of time it is said that the word formed the body. So learn to say positive words to yourself every day, because every second you leave! Every moment, in every cell, your words happen and change you

CHANGE: Your new life begins, when you learn to accept and love yourself! Shout out loud: "I love ME!"

DEFEAT: A defeat today will make you a winner tomorrow! Try to understand its roots in order to improve yourself instead of breaking down! Analyze a situation of yours in which you came out with broken bones: did it even teach you something?

EVOLUTION: Most people are unhappy because they are asleep! It does nothing to change! Sign up at the gym, or for a course you've always been passionate about, even if it doesn't seem to fit your "social image". You are not alone what you want to recognize yourself

EVERYTHING COMES BACK: What you do, every action, every breath, activates a response that you will not necessarily receive now or in this life: it is called Karma (wheel). Everything turns and a flutter of wings today, it could be a tornado tomorrow.

FORGET: In moments of crisis, do you tend to remember sad scenes and abandonments? Follow the advice that Jesus gave to the afflicted apostles: "Return to Galilee". Bring your attention to the happy scenes. Today, keep a white pebble for each smile you receive and a black one for each sad moment. You will see that at the end of the day the cheerful and happy moments will be much more numerous!

FORGIVENESS: Getting stuck in the quicksand of anger and resentment causes loss of soul and physical symptoms proper. Did you see that wrinkle on your face? Have you noticed how much you've gained weight lately? Hate weighs on the scale of your life. Learn that going towards others with love means first having gone towards yourself loving yourself! "Love your neighbor as yourself…". Does it remind you of anything?

FREEDOM: Choose to be free to cut or submit to obligations and conditionings. Use this power to exist and stop resisting! Maybe you said yes when you meant no. Perhaps you have taken the wrong path too many times. Well, it may sound absurd, but if you think about it, it all made you strong and free to be better!

JOY: The way of joy is the way that those who truly love themselves walk! Learn to enjoy the little things, a thought, a music. Today, try to smile in the workplace even at those who feel against you.

MIRACLES: Since when we start believing in miracles, miracles happen, you start wishing that something would be accomplished for your material and spiritual success. Write it on a piece of paper and bring it to your heart. Make it green (it won't hurt anyone) and be what you really want. You will see, heaven will listen to you.

NO: Learn to say no more, to be less available: many times we fear losing the people we love next to us, if we don't always answer yes. But this is not love, it is addiction! To love oneself means not to depend on anything or anyone.

OBJECTIVE: Set a goal that you want to achieve without bringing the problem of the time it will take. But don't think about winning the 100-meter race at the age of 70! Sometimes we deliberately set ourselves unattainable goals, in order to fail and then tell ourselves "I'm not capable". Make sure your goal is always reachable.

RESPECT: Those who love themselves respect themselves and consequently others. Take care of your body, weigh yourself every morning, and try to keep fit. Eat healthy foods, because everything you eat becomes part of you. Read interesting books, because your mind also needs to feed. Never tell yourself that you are not beautiful or that you are fat, rather act!

STOP COMPLAINING: The life you have is the result of your choices! Even when we silently accept that things happen, we are playing the game of life. If you want a promotion and you haven't applied for it yet, maybe you don't feel like you deserve it! Stay up to date, be prepared and above all, actively participate in your existence!

TRUST: You must always have confidence in yourself, even when it seems your ship is sinking, even when it has already sunk. All the treasures are hidden already, in the depths of your sea, called heart.

UNIQUE: You are Unique and unrepeatable, like everything on this earth! Never forget it! Make friends with your present moment, with what you are now. Become aware of the experience you are living in this precise moment and cry out: I AM THERE!

VICTORY: How can I think of winning a battle that I start with the spirit of defeat? Loving you is the cause of any possible success.

WHEN: When you decide that your Now has come, your time to perform miracles, heaven writes signs for you! Learn to recognize them and follow them without doubts. Examples? The page of a book opened at random, an unexpected meeting, reading an advertising sign, etc. All coincidences have your first and last name. So what are you waiting for?

YOU HAVE: Use what you have! The gift of life is unique and unrepeatable: repeat within yourself. Being alive means three things: being yourself, being now, and being here.

ZERO: Whenever you are confused or lost in the woods of existence, don't be afraid to start from scratch. What you have sown in previous experiences is already written in you and supports you in every new beginning!
PositivelyPresent -the ABC's of loving yourself
TheCozyCompass - Loving Yourself from A to Z
Thanks For Visiting January 2021 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

The angel sitting in the center of the room begins to tell:  loving each other is as easy as flying, but it takes a steadfast heart and a...

Nora -n-Jakes Country Cooking

Just got back from Nora's
We really had some fixings
All those bones were in the pot
And food was finger licking
Well I am here to tell ya
The food was outta site
Bones were done just perfect
Much to Jake's delight
Arthur said hey honey
Let's get that recipe
I looked at him in silence
I cleared my throat daintily
What's your secret Nora
This was a special meal
"I don't know how to tell ya
That meat sure wasn't veal"
I looked at her with promise
I wonder what she'd say
Replied "I can't remember"
It's the road kill of the day
We all sat there in silence
Art sure looked disgusted
Country life is not for me
Pass the pou pon mustard

But Jake came to the rescue
With cake that was delicious
Best darn barker on the earth
His delivery expeditious

Cream piled high and on the top
A picture of his Missus
Looking great beyond her years
Surely bootylicious.

©Copyright May 11, 2004  

Thanks For Visiting January 2021 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

Just got back from Nora's We really had some fixings All those bones were in the pot And food was finger licking    Well I am here to...

I'd Do Anything Fer Yah

Comb your hair 'n tie your shoes
Now milk that cow ya hear
Don't ask me no more questions
There's lots of tension here

I see we're going public
I really am upset
Trying all new fancy creams
But face it we're a mess

I ordered me a corn pipe
With sequins and some stones
UPS can't deliver
We never are at home

Always in the field we are
Shucking corn for still
Bubbling up that alcohol
Life is sure a thrill

But things they sure look better
When I'm sippin fire water
You look like Gary Cooper
It makes me wanna holler

Come and get me baby
Give me a big kiss
Then I see those missing teeth

And close my eyes for this

You think you are a rooster

But you lost your feathers dear

And I'm so darn fed up now

I need some space "Ya Hear"

Going to the barn now

I'm gonna get some hay

Forgot to make the bed today

And wives don't get no pay!

Guess I'll see you later

I hate to say goodbye

It's been nice to see ya

I gotta catch some flies.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
©Copyright October 30, 2003


Thanks For Visiting January 2021 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

Comb your hair 'n tie your shoes ...

For The New Year - A Woman Should

People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel! 
 Maya Angelow wrote a poem with many truths, which can be taken as a list of good advice for every day and for every woman. The small, ordinary, everyday things and why we need them: 
- A woman should have enough money to rent a house for herself, even if she never has to live alone.

- A woman should have at least one perfect garment to wear if her boss or the man of her dreams wants to see her in an hour.

- A woman should have a youth to remember with pleasure.

- A woman should have a past that is spicy enough to be worth telling.

- A woman should have a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill and a black lace bra.

- A woman should have a girlfriend who always makes her laugh and one who allows her to cry.

- A woman should have at least one nice piece of furniture that she bought brand new and did not inherit from anyone.

- A woman should have a set of eight plates, crystal wine glasses and a recipe for a great dish that will make her guests feel special.

- A woman should have a sense of control over her own destiny.

- A woman should know how to fall in love without losing herself.

- A woman should know how to quit a job, confront a friend, or end a relationship without destroying the friendship that existed before.

- A woman should know when to try hard and when to just give up.

- A woman should know that she cannot change the length of her thighs, the width of her hips or the characters of her parents.

- A woman should know that her childhood may not have been perfect, but it is over.

vA woman should know what she would not want to do and what she would do for the sake of love.

vA woman should know how to live alone, even if she doesn't like it ...

- A woman should know who she can trust and who she ca n't; and why he should not take anything too seriously.

- A woman should know where to look for support when her soul is hurt ...

- A woman should know what she can and could not do for one day, for a month ... or for a year ...

Thanks For Visiting January 2021 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel!    Maya Angelow wrot...
