Grams Recycle Farm

Now listen to my story
I want y'all to know
My Gram invented recycling
A long, long time ago

She had some recycle bins
At one end of the barn
With stuff to make most anything
She needed on the farm

Sticks and handles in the corner
And boxes of rags galore
For making all her dish towels
And rag mops for the floor

Now Grandpa drank the coffee
And Gram saved all the cans
She painted them so pretty
And planted flowers in them

Old tires she would cycle too
One hanging in every tree
From a rope of chain she saved
We swung on them with glee

Inner tubes,  remember them?
They kept us all afloat
At the old swimming hole
When we didn't have a boat

Feed sack dresses she would make
Then the scraps she'd cycle more
Making quilts for the bed
Or braid rugs for the floor

She bleached out all the flour sacks
Embroidered and then she'd hem
And stuff them up with feathers
Made pillows out of them

Denim coats and jacket
She invented them, stone washed y'all
She saved every inch of fabric
From Grampa's well worn overalls

She never parted with a shoe
Though the bottoms were full of holes
She used the upper part from them
To make some good half soles

Ashes she would save them too
And then she'd sift them
To get that real fine bit of dust
For polishing all her tins

She'd say, 'never toss out a button
Nor a buckle or a pin
As soon as you do, pity you
You'll be needing one of them'

Yards and yards of ribbon
From grave sites where she'd been
Washed and dried and pressed
She'd use them all again

Sacks and sacks of feathers
Hanging in the loft above my head
She washed and hung them up to dry
Then made some feather beds

You'd better eat what's on the plate
Now let me give you the scoop
She saved leftovers, recycled them
In tomorrow's pot of soup

Don't throw away sour milk, she'd say
That's what it's supposed to do
I'll put it in the churn you know
And make some butter for you

Bits and pieces of cornbread
Don't ever throw away
The croutons or stuffing she made
Comes from bread baked yesterday

She took the grease and fat
She saved from rendered hogs
And mixed and cooked and stirred all day
With ashes from a burned up log

Now I've got you guessing
Trying to figure this one folks
That's the recipe, dear friends
For Gram's home made laundry soap!

I 'm sure you must know by now
Where the recycling thing came from
Like I said, it was Gram's idea
Cycling stuff down on the farm

© 2007 Yolanda Cohen
Thanks For Visiting May 2021 - IcqGreetings4U
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Now listen to my story I want y'all to know My Gram invented recycling A long, long time ago ...

Gramma's Shoes - Humor

When I was very little,
All the Grandmas that I knew,
Were wearing the same kind,
Of ugly grandma shoes.

You know the kind I mean..
Clunky heeled, black, lace-up kind,
They just looked so very awful
That it weighed upon my mind,

For I knew, when I grew old,
I'd have to wear those shoes,
I'd think of that, from time to time
It seemed like such bad news.

I never was a rebel,
I wore saddle shoes to school,
And next came ballerinas,
Then the sandals--pretty cool.

And then came spikes with pointed toes
Then platforms, very tall,
As each new fashion came along
I wore them, one and all.

But always, in the distance,
Looming in my future, there,
Was that awful pair of ugly shoes,
The kind that Grandmas wear,

I eventually got married
And then I became a Mom
Our kids grew up and left,
And when their children came along,

I knew I was a Grandma
And the time was drawing near
When those clunky, black, old lace up shoes
Was what I'd have to wear.

How would I do my gardening?
Or take my morning hike?
I couldn't even think about
How I would ride my bike!

But fashions kept evolving,
And one day I realized
That the shape of things to come
Was changing, right before my eyes.

And now, when I go shopping
What I see - fills me with glee
For, in my jeans and Reeboks
I'm as comfy as can be.

And I look at all these little girls
And there, upon their feet
Are clunky, black, old Grandma shoes,
And I really think that's neat.

© Betty Cessna

Thanks For Visiting May 2021 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

When I was very little, All the Grandmas that I knew, Were wearing the same kind, Of ugly grandma shoes. You know the kind I mean.. C...
