Out With The Old

I threw out a book on MY PAST (didn't have time to read it anyway). Replaced it with New Goals, S...

18 Facts about 4th of July

18 Facts about 4th of July you probably don’t know 4TH Of JULY FACTS Thanks For Visiting Copyright © 2015 - IcqGreetings4U

Happy 4th | Weird & Amazing Fireworks

Great Fireworks Show as we celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year. We think of July 4, 1776, as a day that re...

USA Statehood Trivia

Have you ever wondered when your state was introduced into Statehood?  Check out the Quiz below also for fun. 

Activites For Dad To Share

20 FATHER SON ACTIVITES 1. Create a Sandbox If your son has some basic construction toys like bulldozers and dump trucks, buy or build...

Quiz #8 - Are You Democrat or Republican

Are you conservative or liberal? Republican or Democrat? Are you sure?  Take this short quiz and all your questions will be answered.

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