That's My Baby!

Yes Sir....That's My Baby!

So sweet, so lovable, so innocent, so adorable. . .
but what are they REALLY thinking ? !

Yes, I believe I WOULD like a little nightcap!

That was the TWIST ... Now let me show you the WATUSI.

Now, THAT'S a babysitter!

I think I swallowed my pacifier...

I had them walking the floor all night long!
Harry, don't talk like that in front of the baby.

Don't call me. I'll call you.


Where's MY olive?

Our group had 44% fewer cavities!

All THAT was in the contract I signed?

Really, Officer, I was only doing 25!

This has REALLY been a bad day!

I'm learning the Macarena.

Want to see MY tattoo?

But, I'm not READY to go to bed!

I'll bet you say that to all your granddaughters...

You want to play PIGGIES WENT TO MARKET? Use your own PIGGIES!
Josef A. Schneider

Well, that's a heck of a way to take a guy's temperature!


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