Pun Fun and Quotes

Puns are one of my favorite things about the English language. No matter which one you use, most of the time it brings a smile to people! ...

Is It Someone's Birthday?

Today somebody's birthday now who could it be? Is it someone special, I wonder, is it me? No, that great occasion was ...

I Wanna Be A Bear

© John Bindon http://www.bindonart.com/bears.htm In my next life I want to be a bear. If you're a bear, you get to hibernate. ...

April Fools

This April Fools' Day the students decided to pull a prank on their professor since he makes the students answer their mobiles o...

Maxine's take On Easter

Happy Easter !!!! Let's see what Maxine has to say :)

Who's On First

One of the best, most memorable comedy sketches of all time. This skit is still hilarious by todays standards and really holds up to time. S...

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