A Logger's New Math

Teaching Math in 1950: A logger sells a truck load of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is ...

Train of Life

Some time ago, I read a book that compared life to a train ride. An extremely interesting read, when well interpreted. That's right, ...

Failure Does Not Mean

Failure does not mean that I am a failure; it means I didn't win. Failure does not mean that I have achieved nothing; it means that ...

Your Fly Is Open - National Zipper Day

National Zipper Day commemorates April 29, 1913, when the patent for the modern zipper was issued. The day celebrates something that we oft...

Do Magick Spells Really Work

Disclaimer- this content is for entertainment only but makes for a good read and something to think about. I my opinion Magic Spells are exp...

Do Not Ruin Your Day - Life Lesson Quotes

“‎Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning... Anyone can start over and make a new ending.” Your irritation will not solve any p...
