The Flash

An annoying flashing I continue to see, I can't help but wonder, "What's wrong with me?" I'm positive others hav...

I Hate Dentists

I hate dentists. All my life I had spent thousands of dollars on my teeth. I finally decided on dentures, so when one hurt I just made ...

As Good As My Dog

If you can start the day without caffeine... If you can get going without pep pills... If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches a...

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow * Inspirational Thought

Yesterday I met a stranger. Today this stranger is my friend. Had I not taken the time to say hello, or return a smile, or shake a hand, o...

Tips to Loving Yourself

The angel sitting in the center of the room begins to tell:  loving each other is as easy as flying, but it takes a steadfast heart and a...

Nora -n-Jakes Country Cooking

Just got back from Nora's We really had some fixings All those bones were in the pot And food was finger licking    Well I am here to...
