Life Lessons From A Pig

It's smart to keep a little something in the piggy bank for the future Wallow while you may

 Live high on the hog
Never squeal on your friends
When the world gives you slop, pig out
Don't get too much exercise

Go "wee wee wee" all the way home
Don't let anybody bust your chops

Take time to stop and smell the mud

Don’t forget to take a dip now and then…
Don't boar people with the same old lines all the time

 Pink is beautiful
Pigtails are always in style
You reap what you sow

Tall tails are fun, but curly ones are even better

Don’t be afraid to get a little dirty now and then…
It's okay to squeal with delight

Ham it up!  

Pig Ponderings
If a pig is sold to the pawn shop is it then called a ham-hock? Would a small pig be called a hamlet? Why is it that only pigs and humans can get sunburn? Why can't pigs look up into the sky? Why do pigs have curly tails? If you pushed a pig down a hill would he be a sausage roll?

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