I am woman, hear me ROAR
Watch me hit that grocery store!
Pickin' up convenience foods galore
Snack foods, lunch stuff for the kids and more.
I'm climbing that ladder to success.
Gotta get my hair done, it's really a mess!
Drop off clothes at the cleaners--now or never
Kids go to soccer, dancing, whatever!
Never stay home, just keep up the running
But I am woman, and with a mind that's cunning!
Bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan.
Call hubby on cell phone, see if he can
take son to basketball practice tonight
Take a load off me or he's in for a fight!

Oh God, I forgot! Gotta go to class tonight.
Learnin' how to organize my time, how to fight
that urge to scream and holler out loud!
Yeah, I'm WOMAN, and I'm damned proud!
I can dust the house with babies under my arm!!
Prepare corn to freeze, just like on the farm!
You can try to break me, but you can sure bet
If you think I am bending, brother, you are all wet!
When it comes to volunteering, there's no one above me!
So what if my ironing never gets done!
The school needs volunteers and I'm the best one!
I'll rest a little later, and soak in the tub.
Ask hubby to give me a soothing back rub.
Put the kiddies to bed, pack lunches, put out clothes.
Yep! Goin' straight up the ladder
But where will it end?? Nobody knows!
Yeah, I am WOMAN, hear me roar!
Wanna argue that point?? Man, you're in for WAR!
Who do you think keeps us going through the days?
Do you think I'm out there, soakin' up rays???
From career woman to housewife, I've got it down pat!
I'm darned near perfect..honey, that's that!
Now, don't go messin' up my mind these days.
I can handle all this, I've got my ways!
With a positive mind and strength unbelieving
I can tackle about anything I'm receiving!
So come on and bet me that I can't do it!
Cuz I'll just take a deep breath and get to it!
I am infallable, and I know the score!
Ahhh, here I am in the sun, all alone
No television, no kids, no phone
Just me and the sun and the sky up above me.
Yep, I am woman, and my family loves me!
They sent me here to rest
So I can get ready
Son's trying out for wrestling
And daughter's goin' steady!
Yep, I finally lost it
Just a bundle of nerves!
But I'm getting no more
Than what I deserve! (RIGHT???)
As for the men who read this, hey, can't you take it???
Awww, do like I do at times..
Go on and FAKE it! **G**
(Love ya!)
"Todays Woman" Author: Kacey
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