Quiz #7 - Bear Hugs 2

If I Were a Bear Quiz
Results: You are a 'Polar' Bear
A true wildcard, your one-of-a-kind personality keeps everyone on their toes. Youre unpredictable and thats what people love about you. Calm, cool, and collected, your laid-back attitude allows you to make friends wherever you go.
You are a 'Grizzly' Bear
You are a 'Sloth' Bear
You are a 'Teddy' Bear
You are a 'Panda' Bear

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If I Were a Bear Quiz Results: You are a 'Polar' Bear A true wildcard, your one-of-a-kind personality keeps everyone on...

Magick Ability Test

Lori's Magick Ability Test Results
 And Recommendations Prepared On May, 19, 2019

(Plus, simple customized tips for casting spells that actually WORK...)
  Disclaimer: Entertainment purposes only - Personalized results for the magik wthin myself.
How Lori Should "Connect" With Magick Energy: Curiosity
Lori's Birth Date Range: May 21 - June 20
You are an "explorer"... you want to sample a bit of everything in life, and you love it when you blaze new trails ahead of the crowd.
You are thirsty for knowledge and new experience... you are filled to the brim with curiosity, which is one of the reasons you have so many different talents.

It is this sense of exploration and curiosity that will serve you well when casting your Magick spells.
And make sure to cast a variety of different spells as often as you can. It is this "variety" that will align perfectly with the person that you are.
You have a wonderful and intelligent mind. While this serves you well in life, make sure not to "think too much" when connecting with Magick and casting spells.
Let your deep emotions and desires come forth through your HEART and keep you brain in check.
This is the best way for you to get the results you deserve.

Your "Clairvoyant" Affinity
(Can You See The Future?)
"Quick Clairvoyance" - you were born with the ability to pick up "quick flashes" of things that are to come.
Always be aware and ready to receive them. Flashes of future events can come into your mind at any time.
If a "thought" about something that may happen in the future comes into your mind, do NOT disregard it. This is your clairvoyance trying to tell you something.
This means simple "divination" spells (spells to see into the future) can work very well for you to stimulate quick visions of the future.
"Deep Clairvoyance" - you were given a "gift" at birth... the gift of receiving detailed visions of the future. Sometimes these detailed accounts of future events can come to you in dreams, and sometimes they come to you through your intuition - your feelings.
It is a very important gift you have been given...and you can use it to guide some of your decisions and avoid some of the pitfalls of life.
It is also very important that you strengthen this gift by using it in some of the divination spells I'll be sending to you soon.
The more you use it, the stronger your clairvoyant gifts will get... the deeper your connection to Magick will become... and the better your spell casting results will be.
Your Magickal "Strength"
You'll get the best results from spells that use some sort of fire/flame to help generate and release Magick energy.
So, try to focus on spells that use candles and/or incense.
And if you come across a really neat spell that does NOT call for "smoke" or "scent" in any way, you'll get better results if you ADD one of these elements to the spell.
(Yes...I highly recommend you actually modify spells to your Magickal Strengths when possible...)
Your Connection To The "Beyond"
You have an amazing connection with the spirit world... and this is a very, VERY important gift.
Along with your connection to spirits comes a stronger connection with Magick energy in general.
Not only will you be able to call on special spirits in your spells for help... but you'll also be able to use specific spells to communicate with lost loved ones with wonderful success.
You are a very special person, Lori, and I have many wonderful things in store for you.
Your "Belief"
This is the best news so far: you are a deep believer (whether you realize it or not) in the fact that your mind and your thoughts can dramatically change your life.
Your will, your belief, your desires, and the thoughts and energy you put out into the universe can make a dramatic difference on how good or bad your life becomes.
It is BELIEF (above almost all else) that determines whether a spell succeeds or fails... whether Magick "works" for you, or not.
If you don't really believe in your heart that Magick works...that sending your will into the universe will not make a difference... then it won't.
But you DO believe Lori, and THAT is why I am so glad fate brought you to me today.
Where To Focus Your Next Steps
Right now in your life, it is the need to solve a big problem (or problems) that drives you. And this is where you should start on your Magickal journey with me.
You have a little fear inside of you... and you probably feel like there is a source of negativity in your life - either someone or some thing causing problems, sending negative energy, bad luck, or fear towards you.
There are many simple spells for turning back negative energy, and even "converting it" into good luck and positive energy.
The fear and despair you feel right now will actually HELP fuel your spells, so you actually get results.
In fact, strong emotion (in your case fear or despair) is one of the 3 "Magickal Keys" for casting spells that bring results.
So, as long as you start by doing some simple "problem solving" spells following my guidance, you'll have a big advantage because you get to harness all of that emotion and focus it in your spells.
Then, you'll sleep much better knowing that your Magick protections are in place. :)
If you'd like my help, I've got the perfect Magickal protection spells for you.
They are so simple you can do them with items you already have in your home, and they can create the Magickal Protections that will solve your biggest problems quickly - sometimes in just a few days.

  1. Test Your Physic Abilities
  2. How to get magical powers 

Thanks For Visiting May 2019 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

Lori's Magick Ability Test Results  And Recommendations Prepared On May, 19, 2019 (Plus, simple customized tips for casting s...

Four Meals A Day

© By Grady L. Duncan  09/18/2000

Some people get confused,
About the meals we eat.
I'll try to explain it,
So I need not repeat.

If you should come to my house,
Let's say, you spend the night
"Breakfast" is the meal,
We'd serve at first light.

..... Read complete poem at PaPawsHome

Thanks For Visiting May 2019 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

© By Grady L. Duncan  09/18/2000 Some people get confused, About the meals we eat. I'll try to explain it, So I need not repea...

Try Something New

There is something very strange within my family, I thought it was my imagination but now it's not, I see.... Today I found something out I'm not sure what to think, Please tell me that it isn't so or I might start to drink!

At first I saw Granny going to the local skateboard ramp When I got closer to take a look she was hanging with "the gang"! Doing God knows what to herself but I dare not stop to see Or else she might strut her stuff right there in front of me!

There she was a-cackling away she seemed to go, Flying high through the sky just like a "twinkle toes".... And everyone was loving her my regular groovy gran, I only wish she tried something else of which she'd get the hang!

But this new wave of stupidity seems to be going round For then the next thing that I knew my aunt flew into town.... All dressed up from head to toe in bright racey clothes, Mutton simply done up as lamb but she didn't seem to know.

Apparently she flew around the world looking for a man Instead she came back from a cruise with some kind of tan.... That looked more like a rubber mask that seemed to lift her face But still she was dolled up to the nines with her own kind of grace.

And then there is my mother oh God bless her soul, I wonder will she ever learn she no longer can rock and roll? And if that isn't bad enough you know what she did tonight? Gone and enrolled herself in a class to learn to king-fu fight!!

Oh my, what is the world coming to for alas my family Somehow somewhere a long the line no longer belongs to me.... Mum dressed in her garb of pure white with a beginner's belt Doing kicks this way and that until on her bum she fell!

So with granny in the loony bin via the skateboard ramp, And aunty chasing younger men all across the land.... Mother doing martial arts, does she think that she's Bruce Lee? Oh my gosh, these women must have some kind of PMT!!

I really don't know what to do it has become a mess Everything has got me bothered now I really must confess.... I thought that they were crazy but now I can't seem to think, These women send me round the bend they're turning me to drink!!

But the strangest thing of all has got me hopping mad When all along these happenings seemed to be some kind of fad.... Really they should act their age but what do they go and do? Tell me this is their second wind and they're trying something new!!

© Christina
20th June, 2004

Thanks For Visiting May 2019 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

There is something very strange within my family, I thought it was my imagination but now it's not, I see.... Today I found some...


This is what happens when we are mistaken e-mail address ...

This is what happens when we are mistaken e-mail address ...

Daddy Loves Mommy

Kisses for mommy
no, not from me
Kisses from daddy
oh, blessed be!

Watching and waiting
a puzzling air
Like they're glued together
with clouds in their hair.

Should I say something,
should I interrupt?
'Cause if I don't then
won't they get stuck?

Hmmmm....kisses so sloppy
it must be love
But how do they do it
I can't see that far up!

What is it they do
all that way up there?
Just kisses and cuddles
to show they care?

Such a long long way up
to stop for a kiss,
But they must sure like it
'cause they're always like this!

Daddy loves mummy
that much I know
And mummy loves daddy
'cause I heard her say so.

But they must be careful
'cause mummy did say
That kisses like these
are how babies are made!

Oh Mummy, oh daddy
come on let's go
You can do that stuff later
when we get home;

'Cause right now there's something
of more importance,
And if we don't hurry
I'll need some new pants!

Oh mummy and daddy
how sweet they can be
Their kisses so sloppy
is how they made me;

My daddy loves mummy
and they love me too,
But I can't wait till I'm older
till I can have that same view!

© Christina
17th September, 2004

Thanks For Visiting May 2019 - IcqGreetings4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 IcqGreetings4U

Kisses for mommy no, not from me Kisses from daddy oh, blessed be! Watching and waiting a puzzling air Like they're glued together ...
