Enveloped in a costume
that still can't seem to hide
The irascible little darling,
a monster deep inside....
Dressed as but a minion
his brightly colour garb
So apt for the occasion
is more that just a lark.
Loveable in many ways
but somehow overnight
My precious little darling
now takes great delight....
In testing all the boundaries
that I had set in place
To guide him on a better way,
but has it been a waste?
Now I just stand and look upon
this child I have raised
Testing more and more it seems
my patience every day....
A face of pure innocence
is merely just a mask
For what lies behind the eyes
and depths within his heart.
Such a gorgeous little child
has turned out to be
An irascible little monster
wreaking havoc around me!
And as I tear my hair out
wondering what to do
His smile then melts my heart as he
runs rings around me too.
Trick or treat I guess it was,
the joke had been on me
Thinking just how easy came
the responsibilities....
Being a parent has its moments
but oh how much joy
Would befall upon me in the form
of my precious little boy!
Instead my little darling
a monster he's become
While all the tireless efforts
of my parenting is undone....
Friends say this is normal
for a child to rebel,
But still he keeps on adding years
while he gives me hell!
Ah, but you gotta love him,
at least I tell myself
For there can still be good times
given to me in wealth....
And when I look back on these days
I guess I'll surely laugh
To see the little monster
who still somehow won my heart!
© Christina
12th October, 2004
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