The Lightening lit up the sky, The thunder roared over head.
The tired old farmer worked real hard, 'Cause he had a family that needed to be fed.
The storm was coming from the west, He knew that it was going to be bad. If it had hit at that moment, He'd lose everything he had.
The farmer was old and turning gray, And only had one good leg,
But on this day, he dropped to his knees, And I heard him as he started to beg.
"Dear Lord, I've never ask for much, I never felt I should,
But this crop, it took a lot out of me, I'd beholding your help, if you could."
"It's been a long time since I've knelt, But I remember to thank you every day. Today I am humbly begging you, To help me save this hay."
"Thank you, Lord for listening, I just don't know what else to do. Now, my heart feels relieved, I feel you will see me through."
Then he got up, And started to walk away; He turned and looked up to the sky, There was something he forgot to say.
"I'm really beholding Lord, Let me thank you once again. For listening to my troubles, In Jesus name Amen."
He looked tired and beaten, As he headed down to the barn. He knew the storm could take it all, And completely destroy his farm.
He kept looking up with hope in his eyes, As the clouds darkened the day. He wondered, I guess, if the Lord had heard, When he got down on his knees to pray.
The tired old farmer, he did make it back, And the crops made it through all right. Now, for once in a great long while, His eyes were filled with light.
A satisfied mind, a contented heart, Of all his work that day. But, sometime during the night, The tired old farmer was called away.
The Lord saw fit, and called him,
I guess that I shouldn't be sad.
But this man, "The Tired Old Farmer,"
Is the man I call my "DAD".
~~Author Unknown~~
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